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Pitching with Outlook

Sending out pitches using the Propel Outlook add-in

Sending a Pitch

The most basic PR workflow is to send a single pitch to a single reporter. Let’s walk through how to do this using Propel.


Step 1: Open Outlook and Start a New Email

Click the three dots to find the Propel pinwheel and hit Open Sidebar. Drop the email of the recipient in the "To:" field.

Step 2: Connect Your Email to a Pitching Initiative

Before writing your pitch, connect your email to a relevant pitching initiative by selecting one from the list in the sidebar. This step ensures your pitch is automatically tracked.


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Step 3: Write and Send Your Pitch

Once connected, additional options will now appear in the sidebar. Instead of using the regular Outlook Send button, you'll see a dedicated Send button under the Single Send options in the sidebar. Use this button to send your pitch—this is crucial for Propel to track your activity.


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Note: We’ll cover the other sidebar options later.

Now, go ahead and craft your pitch as usual. Once sent, Propel will take care of tracking everything for you.


Why don't I see my pitch recipients in the 'To' field?

When sending pitches using Propel, your recipients will not appear in the Outlook 'To' field. Instead, you will see them listed in the sidebar.


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This standard procedure not only ensures that you don't mistakenly hit the regular Outlook Send button instead of the Propel Send button but also keeps your recipients listed in the sidebar for easy tracking. If you change your mind and wish to disconnect your email from a pitching initiative, your recipients will automatically be placed back into the Outlook 'To' field.


What happens once my pitch is sent?

When you send an email connected to a pitch, you gain several key benefits:

  • Open Tracking: Monitor which emails have been opened and how many times, allowing you to prioritize follow-ups.
  • Response Tracking: Receive instant notifications when a reporter responds, enabling faster engagement.
  • Automated Reporting: Get detailed reports on sent pitches, opens, responses, and published articles—no more manual report generation!

You can explore these features in more detail in our other knowledge base articles.


Sending a Mail Merge for Quick, Large-Scale Pitching


While personalized pitches are often the most effective, there are times when you need to reach a large media list quickly with minimal customization. That’s where mail merge comes in handy.


What is Mail Merge?

Mail merge allows you to send a single email to multiple recipients, with each one receiving a personalized version. You write one email, add variables for details like the contact's name and media outlet, then include your entire media list in the 'To' field. Each recipient will receive their own copy, with their personal details automatically filled in.


How to Send a Mail Merge with Propel

Propel makes mail merge simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a New Email in Outlook: Start by creating a new email.

  2. Select Your Pitching Initiative: Just like when sending a single pitch, connect your email to the relevant pitching initiative in Propel.

  3. Choose Your Recipients:

    • Click on "This Media List" in the sidebar to view your pitching list from the Propel web application.

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    • On the media list screen, you can:
      • Search for specific contacts.
      • Filter by tags or other criteria.
      • View details such as the last contact date, and whether a contact has already been pitched for this campaign. Also view their open and response rates and any notes attached to the contact.
      • Select one or multiple contacts for your email.
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    • If you want to pitch the entire list, simply use the Select All button. Once your selection is made, click the Select button in the bottom left corner to add these contacts to your email.
  4. Compose Your Email:

    • Instead of manually entering personal details, use the Insert Placeholder button to add variables like names and media outlets. These placeholders will be automatically replaced with each recipient’s personal details when the email is sent.

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  5. Send Your Mail Merge:

    • Click the Send button under the Mail Merge option. Propel will ensure that each contact receives their personalized email, and each sent email will be tracked individually for easy follow-up.


Scheduling Your Pitch

If you prefer to write your pitch now but send it at the optimal time, Propel’s scheduling feature makes it easy. You can schedule both individual emails and mail merges using the Schedule button under Single Send or Mail Merge. And with Propel's Pitch Booster feature, you can schedule your emails to be automatically sent at the best time and day for each journalist, ensuring maximum impact. Best of all, your emails will be sent even if you’re away from your computer or if it's turned off.

For more details on scheduling pitches, please refer to our guide on Scheduling Pitches in Outlook.


Personalize Pitches with Propel's Generate Drafts Feature

While mail merge is ideal for pitches that require minimal personalization, we all know that PR success often hinges on tailoring each pitch to the individual reporter. That’s why mail merge isn’t always the best option. To balance efficiency with personalization, Propel offers a powerful alternative: Generate Drafts

With Generate Drafts, you can bulk compose your emails while still allowing for full personalization. Here’s how it works:

  1. Follow the Mail Merge Steps: Start by following the same steps you would for a mail merge.
  2. Click Generate Drafts: Instead of clicking Mail Merge Send, select Drafts. Propel will prepare all your emails and place them into your drafts folder.
  3. Personalize and Send: Access each email from your drafts folder, add the necessary personal touches, and then send them individually.

Better yet, create personalized intros for multiple journalists using AI in a few minutes! Here's how to use Propel's Personalized AI Intro feature in Outlook.

Save valuable time while still delivering personalized pitches that resonate with each reporter!


To learn more about pitching with Outlook, check out these helpful product tutorial videos:

Pitching with Outlook
Generating Drafts