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Sending Follow-ups in Outlook

Haven't heard back from any journalists yet? It doesn't mean that your story won't be covered - sometimes they just need a little nudge. We all miss emails here and there, which is why follow-ups can be so valuable. Remind a journalist about why your pitch is important by scheduling follow-up emails with Propel.

Follow-Up with Multiple Recipients:

  1. After sending a pitch using Mail Merge or Generate Drafts, if you would like to send or schedule a follow-up email, first select the original Pitching Initiative.

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  2. Next, select the Follow-up checkbox underneath the Pitching Initiative in the Propel toolbar. This signifies to Propel that you want to send this email within the thread of the original pitch, not as a new email thread.

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  3. From here, you can select the recipients whom you would like to send the follow-ups. You can either click the Add all pitched button or individually select the follow-up recipients from within your media list.

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    Propel will only allow you to select follow-up recipients whom you have already pitched to for this specific pitching initiative and who have not responded to the original pitch. This is because if a journalist has responded to your initial pitch - hooray! You don't want to send a follow-up email to this recipient, because you're already in correspondence and should base your unique reply on the journalist's response.
  4. Write the content of your follow-up email as you normally would when sending any pitch with Propel.
    Please do not edit the subject line.
    Check out some of our follow-up best practices here.

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  5. Send your follow-up using one of the following options: 
      • Send Mail Merge - This will send the follow-up email immediately to all selected recipients within the same thread as the original pitch.
      • Schedule Mail Merge - This will give you the option of scheduling your follow-up emails to go out at a later date/time. The follow-up emails will be sent to all selected recipients within the same thread as the original pitch.
        Note - If any of the recipients respond to the original pitch before the follow-up email is scheduled to be sent, the follow-up email will be canceled and deleted.
      • Generate Drafts - This will allow you to further personalize your follow-up emails. When selected, Propel will separate all follow-ups into individual drafts in your drafts folder. You will see the drafts as replies within the original pitch thread.

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    Follow-Up with One Recipient

    If you sent a pitch to only one recipient, or you want to follow-up with journalists individually, simply reply to the original pitch, as you would with any regular email.
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    And that’s it! Now all you need to do is sit back and wait for the journalists to get back to you.