Navigating the Monitoring Dashboard

The Monitoring Dashboard is your go-to tool for tracking media coverage in real-time across different categories like Online & Print, Social, and Broadcast. This guide will walk you through the key features, from filtering mentions to downloading reports.

When you first open the Monitoring Dashboard, you'll see all your alerts categorized by media type. 

  1. Click Monitor: Then, select the account and then the alert you want to view the monitoring dashboard for.

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  2. Viewing Active and Archived Mentions: Mentions can either be Active or Archived. Active mentions are part of your live monitoring and are included in reports, while archiving mentions lets you remove irrelevant mentions from reports.
    To archive mentions:
    1. Select one or more mentions that you want to archive.
    2. Click on the Archive icon.

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    3. You can go back to the live monitoring dashboard by clicking on “Active”.
  3. Add Coverage Manually: You can manually add coverage by clicking the “Plus” icon and entering the URL of the article. Propel will do the rest of the work for you and gather the necessary information regarding the coverage.

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  4. Sentiment Analysis: You’ll also see sentiment data for each mention— a green emoji indicates that the article speaks positively about the brand, yellow indicates neutral, and red indicates negative tone of your media coverage.

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  5. Clickable Coverage and Outlet Links: Each mention on the dashboard is clickable. Clicking the coverage will take you to the original article, and clicking on the Outlet takes you to the publication’s homepage.

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  6. Add Authors to Media Lists: If you’d like to pitch to a journalist whose covered you again, you can save them to your media list for future pitching.
    To do this:
    1. Click on the small checkbox next on the mention’s card. You can select more than one mention as well.
    2. Select Add Author to Media List. You can either add them to an existing list, or create a new one on the fly.

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  7. Applying Tags: You can apply tags to categorize your coverage.
    1. Select one or more mentions and select the “Apply Tag” option.
    2. You can apply existing tags or create new ones to keep your coverage organized.

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    3. Group Mentions: For syndicated content, grouping mentions prevents repetition by removing identical articles republished across different outlets. Just check the Group Mentions box at the top of the dashboard to simplify your results.
  8. Filters and Timelines: Use the Filters to narrow down your mentions by:
    1. Tags
    2. Date Range: You can either select any of the predefined ranges or define your own custom range.

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  9. Graph View: Switch to Graph View to visualize coverage volume over time. This can help you track spikes in media mentions related to specific events or campaigns.

    You can view different types of graphs depending on the KPI you want to visualize:
    1. Volume over time
    2. Volume by rank
    3. Share of Voice
    4. Sentiment
    5. Volume by Online Source
    You can even compare two or more alerts by simply entering the name of the alerts in the “Alerts” box.

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  10. Downloading Reports: You can easily download reports from both “Mentions” and “Graph” views to share with other stakeholders by clicking the “Download” icon and selecting whether you want to download the report as a PDF or CSV file.

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  11. Monitoring Dashboard: You can view all the graphs at once by going to the “Monitoring Dashboard” tab. Here, too you can compare more than one alert, filter by time range and type of media and even group mentions.

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    Additionally, you can click the Share button to share the live dashboard with other stakeholders or click the Export button to download a PDF file containing all the graphs.

    If you edit the alert parameters, all the graphs and mentions will get updated automatically.

    Monitoring Social Media:
    In the Social tab, you can view your mentions from platforms Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and perform nearly all of the functions discussed above.

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    Monitoring Broadcast: In the Broadcast tab, you can track radio and TV mentions.

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    You can even save parts of the clip to zero in on your coverage as well allowing you to keep valuable broadcast mentions for future reference. To learn how to save clips, please click this link.

    Now you can track and analyze your media coverage effectively, ensuring you stay on top of your PR campaigns across all media types!