How to send a single email to many recipients without them seeing the other recipients on the list?

Use the Mail Merge feature in Propel. Mail Merge allows you to send a personalized email to each recipient without revealing the other contacts on your list. Here's how:

  1. Open a New Email: Start a new email as usual.
  2. Select Your Pitching Initiative: Connect your email to the relevant Pitching Initiative in Propel to link it to your project.
  3. Choose Your Recipients:
    • Click on This Media List.
    • Select specific contacts or use the “Select All” option to choose the entire list.
  4. Compose Your Email:
    • Use placeholders like or to personalize the email for each recipient.
  5. Send the Mail Merge:
    • Click Send under the Mail Merge option, if using Outlook or click the Send Mail Merge button if using Gmail. Each recipient will receive a personalized email without seeing other recipients.

Using Mail Merge ensures privacy and a professional appearance when reaching out to a large group.