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How to Send a Mail Merge in Gmail


When you need to send a single email to a large group without revealing the other recipients, Mail Merge is your go-to tool. This feature allows you to personalize your message for each contact while keeping their information private.

What is Mail Merge?

Mail Merge lets you send a single email to multiple recipients, with each one receiving a unique version that’s tailored just for them. Instead of manually personalizing each email, you use placeholders for details like the recipient's name or media outlet. When you hit send, these placeholders are automatically filled in for each contact, ensuring a personal touch without the hassle.

How to Send a Mail Merge with Propel

Propel simplifies the process, allowing you to quickly reach a large media list. Here's how to do it:

  1. Compose a new mail in Gmail:  Start by creating a new email in Gmail as you normally would.

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  2. Select Your Pitching Initiative: Just like when sending a single pitch, link your email to the relevant Pitching Initiative in Propel. This connects your email to your project, ensuring it’s properly tracked.

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  3. Choose Your Recipients: Click on This Media List to view your pitching list from the Propel web application.

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    On the media list screen, you can:
    1. Search for specific contacts.  
    2. Filter by tags or other criteria.  
    3. View details such as the last contact date and whether a contact has already been pitched for this campaign. You can also see their open and response rates and any notes attached to the contact.  
    4. Select one or multiple contacts for your email. If you want to pitch the entire list, simply use the Select All button. Once your selection is made, click the "Select" button in the bottom left corner to add these contacts to your email.

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  4. Compose Your Email: Write your email just as you would for a single recipient, but instead of manually entering personal details, use the Insert Placeholder button. Add variables like the recipient’s name, media outlet, or any other personalized detail. These placeholders will be automatically replaced with each recipient’s specific information when the email is sent.

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  5. Send Your Mail Merge: Click the Send Mail Merge button. Propel will ensure that each contact receives their personalized email. Each sent email will be tracked individually, making follow-up easy and organized.

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With Mail Merge, you can effectively reach a large number of contacts while keeping each email personal and ensuring recipients don’t see the other names on your list. This is a great way to maintain professionalism and privacy, especially when working with extensive media lists.