How to Schedule a Monitoring Report in Propel

Propel allows you to automatically generate and send media monitoring reports to keep your team and stakeholders updated on media mentions.


Here's a video walkthrough of the entire process:


Here's how to schedule a monitoring report in Propel:

  1. Go to the Monitor Tab: Log in to your Propel account and navigate to the Monitor tab at the top of your dashboard.

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  2. Click on "Monitoring Report Schedule": From the Monitor tab, select Monitoring Report Schedule to begin setting up your automated report.

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  3. Add a New Report Schedule: Click Add New Report Schedule to create a new reporting schedule.

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  4. Enter Schedule Name and Select Account: Provide a name for the report schedule in the Schedule Name field. Then, choose the account you'd like this report to be associated with.

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  5. Select Alerts: On the right side, you’ll have the option to send reports for either:
    1. All Alerts within the account.
    2. Specific Alerts (you can select the ones you want)

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  6. Set Report Frequency: Decide how frequently you want the report to be sent. You can choose from the following options: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly.
    Additionally, you can specify the exact time you want the report to be sent.

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  7. Skip Emails with No Mentions: If you prefer not to send a report when there are no mentions during the reporting period, check the box labeled Avoid sending if no mentions.

  8. Select Report Format: Choose the format in which you'd like the report to be attached: Excel or CSV

  9. Choose Recipients: Select the internal Propel users you want to receive the report. You can also send the reports to external stakeholders by entering their names and email addresses.

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  10. Save the Report Schedule: Once all fields are filled in, click Save to activate the report schedule.

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Your monitoring report is now set to be automatically sent according to your selected schedule, keeping everyone in the loop with the latest media mentions.