Searching Articles and Journalists Through Articles

Propel's article search is a crucial tool for finding relevant journalists to pitch. Specifically when pitching a niche topic or story, "Article Search" can help you find journalists who have already written about that (or a similar) topic.

  1. Click on "Discover" in the top navigation bar.

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  2. Click on "Articles".

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  3. Enter relevant information and apply required filters.
    • Only Show Authors with an Email Address:
      • Checked: Results will only show articles that are written by journalists we currently have in our database You can immediately add these journalists to your media lists and pitch to them.
      • Unchecked: Results will show even if there is no recorded author of the article. If you choose to check one of these boxes and click "Add to Media List", Propel will then prompt you to add the email address of the author of the article.
    • Search by Title or Body Text:
      • By typing keywords into the "Search by Title" field, you can find journalists who have mentioned a certain topic within the title of an article they previously wrote.
    • Additional filters: To narrow your search results, there are several types of filters you can use:
      • Author name
      • Time period
      • Domain rank
      • Content type
      • Location (city, state, country)
      • Word count

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  4. Select the journalists you want to add to your media list.

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  5. Select the media list you want to add them to.



If you're building a media list, we recommend keeping "Show Authors with an Email Address" checked. However, if you're using it primarily as a research tool for articles, you can leave the box unchecked.

When searching for a term with more than one word (Eg - Super Bowl), please place the term in quotation marks (Eg - "Super Bowl") for a better search.

You can search for multiple keywords by separating them with a comma (Eg - restaurant, hotel, inn)